Hi there. I’m Sam. I’m a designer who codes.
I work across Webflow development,
digital and print design and data vis.
The rest of my time I'm found running, cycling and hiking long distances up remote hills.
See all postsClassImporter - a tool to bulk import CSS classes into Webflow
Aug 3, 2023
A lightweight utility for batch importing class names into Webflow.

Race report - 2022 Ultra-X England 50
Oct 27, 2022

Webflow - Modifying symbol styles with the :has() CSS selector
Aug 18, 2022
It's tricky to change the styles of symbols in Webflow easily. But the shiny new :has() selector will let us do just that.
Adding section headers to the Webflow Editor
May 1, 2022
Following on from the previous post about locking fields, we can take things further and group our fields within the CMS with headings.
Locking access to CMS fields in the Webflow Editor with CSS
Apr 27, 2022
Got some fields in the Webflow CMS you don't want a user to modify? Here we dig into ways of locking specific fields in the Editor with just a sprinkle of CSS.

Finding pages that use a certain Webflow symbol
Feb 16, 2022
Trying to identify where on your Webflow site a certain symbol is used? Here's a quick workaround to find out which pages a symbol appears on.